8th Children of Asia International Sports Games Directorate; Office 17, 38 Kalandarishvili St., Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation, 677008

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History of Children of Asia Games

Children of Asia International Sports Games are held in summer and winter sports among children and youth in individual and team sports. The first Games were held in 1996 in Yakutsk on the initiative of the First President of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) Mr. Mikhail  Nikolaev and were dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the modern Olympic movement. The Sakha Republic (Yakutia) of the Russian Federation is recognized as the Founder of the Games as a sign of the merit in foundation, holding and popularization of the Children of Asia International Sports Games. Over the entire period of the Games, more than 15,000 young athletes from Asian countries and regions of the Russian Federation have taken part.