8th Children of Asia International Sports Games Directorate; Office 17, 38 Kalandarishvili St., Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation, 677008

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Accreditation for the 8th Children of Asia Games Started

Accreditation for the 8th Children of Asia Games Started

In order to ensure security and proper access control to facilities involved in the Games, an accreditation procedure will be organized for all persons participating in the preparation and conduct of the Games.

Access to the Games venues during the event will be possible only with an accreditation card and transport pass.

“Accreditation cards will be protected by various security elements against falsification and unauthorized access to Games venues. To make it easier to complete the registration procedure, an online platform has been developed where the data of the involved persons and vehicles is entered,” said Gavril Mokhnachevsky.

In total, it is planned to accredit about 18 thousand people to the Games.

First of all, volunteers, the organizing committee and services that provide various functions at the facilities will undergo accreditation. All sports delegations, media representatives and guests invited to the Games will also undergo accreditation.

The issuance of cards and passes for organizations will be carried out at the Accreditation Center, which will be located in School No. 31 in the Main Information Center of the Games. One can get accreditation cards from June 10 at the Accreditation Center.

8th Children of Asia Games will be held from June 25 to July 7 in Yakutsk.

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