8th Children of Asia International Sports Games Directorate; Office 17, 38 Kalandarishvili St., Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation, 677008

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Aldansky district met the fire of the VIII Children of Asia Games

Aldansky district met the fire of the VIII Children of Asia Games

Today, June 16, the city of Aldan took the torch relay of the VIII Children of Asia Games. This is the 33rd district where the Games torch relay took place.
The torch with fire was carried by athletes Inna Rybkina, Ivan Polyakhov, Anatoly Aksenov, Dmitry Pyanzin, Lyudmila Kuznetsova, Artem Kruchinin, Daria Blinova, Vladislav Zavershinsky, Kirill Gichka, Anastasia Zhukova, Kristina Drozd, Alexandra Lavrentieva, Victor Vasiliev, Valentin Belyakov, Lyudmila Kalinchuk, Alexander Kovalsky, Natalya Stukaneva and the head of the Aldansky district Alexander Shestopalov.

The flame of the VIII Children of Asia Games has already traveled more than 36,000 kilometers, carried by 425 torchbearers and greeted by 850 volunteers.

Tomorrow the Games torch relay will arrive in Namsky district. See you!

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