8th Children of Asia International Sports Games Directorate; Office 17, 38 Kalandarishvili St., Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation, 677008

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More than 3.6 thousand participants involved in the opening ceremony of the 8th Children of Asia Games

More than 3.6 thousand participants involved in the opening ceremony of the 8th Children of Asia Games

Daily rehearsals of the opening ceremony of the 8th Children of Asia Games are underway at the Tuymaada Stadium in Yakutsk. On June 20, consolidated rehearsals will start with more than 3.6 thousand participants. Among the participants of the opening ceremony of the 8th Games are more than 1.3 thousand children from 64 creative teams from 24 Yakutia's districts. There are 7 venues to accommodate them.

 An extensive cultural program has been prepared for the Games. Starting from June 1, the multimedia exhibition called Children of Asia: from Idea to History dedicated to Mikhail Efimovich Nikolaev, the first President of Yakutia and the initiator of the Games, has been running in the multimedia park Russia - My History.

The main events will be held from June 27 to July 5 at the squares of Yakutsk city: Druzhby Square and Ordzhonikidze Square.

More than 50 artists and 10 honorary jury members from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, China, Mongolia and Vietnam circus will take part in the 7th International Circus Art Festival called MAMONTenok-2024.

The Sakha Academic Theater will host the 7th Yakutsk International Film Festival from June 28 to July 3 as part of the Arctic Arts Forum called The Desired Coast with the theme: The Art of Cinema and the Children of Asia Games. In the competition program there are 10 films from 9 foreign countries and Russia. Among the participating countries: Serbia, China, India, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and others. A remote All-Russian competition of student films among specialized educational institutions will be held as part of the festival.

In addition to concert and festival events, the City of Masters, an exhibition and fair of Yakutia's folk masters will be organized in the Old Town. There will also be various square and street activities, along with interactive dance stages.

The 8th Children of Asia Games will be held in Yakutsk from 25 June to 7 July 2024

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