8th Children of Asia International Sports Games Directorate; Office 17, 38 Kalandarishvili St., Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation, 677008

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8th Children of Asia Games Directorate and NEFU Entered into Agreement

8th Children of Asia Games Directorate and NEFU Entered into Agreement

Today, March 21, an agreement on the provision of translation services during the Games was signed between the 8th Children of Asia Games Directorate and the North-Eastern Federal University. The document was signed by the rector of the university, Anatoly Nikolaev, and the General Director of the 8th Games Directorate, Mikhail Sivtsev.

“It is a great honor for NEFU to become the official provider of translation services for the 8th Children of Asia Games. Translation will be carried out from two languages – English and Chinese. Services will be provided through simultaneous, consecutive and written translation. In May, more than 40 translators will be selected to provide written translation of documents, materials, press releases, as well as interpretation at sports venues. Also, the republic's leading translators from among NEFU teachers and students will provide simultaneous interpretation of protocol meetings at the Government level and meetings with heads of delegations, as well as consecutive translation of business negotiations. Translators will begin work from May 15, and interpreters will be involved from June 24,” said Anatoly Nikolaev.

In the summer, the University campus will host the Athletes Village during the Games. In this regard, renovations have begun in dormitories No. 6, 8, and 9, where participants of the upcoming Games will be accommodated. Repair work will also need to be carried out at Yunost Stadium, where competitions in archery will be held.

“In all the years of conducting Children of Asia Games, and especially now, we feel tremendous support from the university. In 1996, when the 1st Games took place, I myself was a student at the Faculty of Foreign Languages at YSU and was very inspired by the high level of holding the Games. First president, Mikhail Nikolaev, organized work to cultivate translation personnel at the university, so that representatives of other countries and cultures had the opportunity to fully become acquainted with our Republic. I am confident that the upcoming Children of Asia Games will make a great contribution to the further development and experience of NEFU translation staff,” emphasized Mikhail Sivtsev, Director General of the 8th Children of Asia Games Directorate.

To recall, the 8th Children of Asia Games will be held from June 25 to July 7, 2024 in their birthplace - in Yakutsk. Young athletes will compete for 239 sets of medals in 24 sports.

Source: NEFU press service

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