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The 8th Children of Asia Games Torch Relay travels over 32,000 km

The 8th Children of Asia Games Torch Relay travels over 32,000 km

Planes, cars, and snowmobiles. The Flame of the Games visits every corner of Yakutia's vast territory.

Here are some facts about the largest and most interesting 8th Children of Asia Games Torch Relay.

The Torch Relay route
The length of the Torch Relay route is more than 37,000 kilometres. This is a distance of a round-the-world trip.

  • The lamp for the Games Flame

The Games Flame is transported in a special lamp, which ensures the continuous burning of the fire.

  • The torch

The torch was designed to convey three meanings: nature, Yakutia, and a drive to achieve the goal. The three colours of the torch symbolise nature: blue is the sky, green is the taiga, and white is the air. The main element is the wing stroke of a white crane, an image of triumph and freedom.

  • The Flame keepers

Since the 8th Children of Asia Games Flame lighting and throughout the entire relay, the Flame keepers have accompanied the symbol of the Games. It is the keepers who accompany the capsule with the Flame from district to district as the relay moves, and they also follow the torchbearers.

The torchbearers
The Torch Relay is a great honour for all its participants, as well as an important and memorable event for a torchbearer. The 8th Children of Asia Games Flame will be carried across Yakutia by 550 torchbearers, including 42 alumni of the Children of Asia Games of various years.
Facts about the torchbearers of the 8th Children of Asia Games:

  • The first torchbearer

Prokopiy Petrov is the bronze medallist of the 1st Children of Asia Games in 1996, the Master of Sports of Russia in freestyle wrestling, the Master of Sports of Yakutia in khapsagai, the winner and prize-winner of republican, all-Russian, and international tournaments, currently the senior coach in freestyle wrestling of the Triumph Sports Centre teams.

  • The oldest torchbearer

Varvara Makarova is an 81-year-old resident of the Suntar village, Master of Sports of Yakutia in athletics, and a multiple champion of Yakutia.

  • The youngest torchbearer

Daniyar Dasaev is a 14-year-old resident of Allaikhovsky District, a prize-winner of republican and regional 10-meter air pistol shooting competitions.

  • The legendary torchbearer

Nikolay Chukrov is the head of Srednekolymsk. It was Nikolay who lit the Flame of the 1st Children of Asia Games at the Tuymaada Stadium in 1996.
The leg with the largest number of participants
It was held on 20 March 2024 in Pokrovsk, Khangalassky district. 40 volunteers were involved in the relay, and 21 torchbearers carried the Flame of the Games, including 17 Children of Asia Games alumni.

  • The longest flight

On 25 May, the Flame of the 8th Games, accompanied by the Flame keepers, was at the Children of Asia Games exposition in the State Sports Museum, Moscow.
Flight from Yakutsk to Moscow and back.
Time: 6 hours 32 minutes. Flight altitude: 12,100 metres. Flight range: 6,200 kilometres.

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