8th Children of Asia International Sports Games Directorate; Office 17, 38 Kalandarishvili St., Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation, 677008

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Class Hour for the 3rd Grade Students Held Dedicated to the 8th Children of Asia Games Torch Relay

Class Hour for the 3rd Grade Students Held Dedicated to the 8th Children of Asia Games Torch Relay

Today, April 25, in Global Education Center in Yakutsk, the head of the Torch Relay of the 8th Children of Asia Games, Maksim Prokopyev, held a class hour for third-grade students. During the class hour, the children were told about Children of Asia Games, how the Torch Relay of the upcoming Games takes place, about the Flame and its meaning.

The children actively participated in the class hour. As part of the meeting, children had the opportunity to hold the torch of the 8th Games and feel a direct connection with the spirit of the sporting event.

This unique experience not only inspired the children to new achievements, but also allowed them to feel involved in Children of Asia Games. The students took part in the conversation with great interest, passing the torch to each other and conveying the energy and emotions that the torch carries.

The Torch Relay of the 8th Children of Asia Games continues its journey through Yakutia. The Torch Relay has already covered over 19,000 km in the hands of 210 torchbearers.

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