8th Children of Asia International Sports Games Directorate; Office 17, 38 Kalandarishvili St., Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation, 677008

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More Than 60 Interpreters to be Involved in the 8th Children of Asia Games

More Than 60 Interpreters to be Involved in the 8th Children of Asia Games

Over 60 translators and interpreters will be engaged to assist the 8th Children of Asia International Sports Games. 34 interpreters will work during the Games events and at sports venues, 32 interpreters-attachees will provide organisational and linguistic services for the heads of delegations. There is also a reserve list.
"Candidates were interviewed during February and March. In our opinion, all of them deserved to be involved in the Games. Many of them have extensive experience of participating in events as interpreters. At the moment, the accreditation process is underway, followed by orientation meetings," said interpreter-attache coordinator Noyabrina Kirenskaya.

The translation service started its work since 15 May. Four translators from the Institute of Modern Languages and International Studies, NEFU currently provide translation services. The students will be also involved in the work of the Main Press centre of the 8th Children of Asia Games, which includes the translation of press releases into English, as well as translation of the official documentation.

"Interpreters from among students, alumni and professors of the university will provide consecutive interpretation of the informer at sporting events across 24 sports throughout the Games from 24 June to 7 July. In addition, students are also involved as volunteers in various functional areas, such as volunteer-attache to teams, accommodation and others. Students who have been selected by the Games Directorate are also involved among the interpreters-attaches for the heads of delegations," said Galina Parnikova, Head of the English and Translation Department in the Institute and Head of the NEFU «The Department 360» project.

According to Sergei Khatylykov, Deputy Minister of the Ministry for External Relations and Ethnic Affairs of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), it is planned to organise seminars for all interpreters on intercultural communication and protocol support in late May and early June.

"I am confident that in addition to volunteers, interpreters-attaches will also need to be trained on the Incident Command System. In addition, the glossary of sports terminology developed by the Committee and the Directorate during the previous Games is being updated. By the end of May, we will have to agree with the Directorate on the final allocation of interpreters to the venues," said Sergei Khatylykov.

The 8th Children of Asia International Sports Games will be held from 25 June to 7 July 2024 in Yakutsk.
The Head of the Sakha Republic Aisen Nikolaev noted: "The 8th Children of Asia International Sports Games in the republic will become one of the largest international competitions in the country in 2024 and will be held at the highest level".

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