8th Children of Asia International Sports Games Directorate; Office 17, 38 Kalandarishvili St., Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation, 677008

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We continue our acquaintance with the sports of the 8th Children of Asia Games

We continue our acquaintance with the sports of the 8th Children of Asia Games

Today we will present to you the Japanese martial art - judo, the traditional wrestling of the Turkic peoples - kurash, the water sport - swimming, and Sambo, developed on the basis of the wrestling of judo and jiu-jitsu.

Judo competitions have been held since the 1st Children of Asia Games in 1996. Judo is a type of martial arts in which, along with throws, choking and painful holds on the arms are allowed. Athletes perform in kimonos on special mats - tatami. To achieve victory, the attacking wrestler must either throw the opponent onto the tatami on his back, or carry out a hold for 30 seconds, or a painful or choking technique. At the VIII Children of Asia Games, 17 sets of medals will be competed in at least six weight categories among both boys and girls.

Kurash wrestling was first included in the program of the 6th Games in 2016. This is the national struggle of the Uzbek people and translated from Uzbek as “to achieve the goal fairly.” Two opponents fight in a standing position, the fight takes place on mats similar to those in judo. In kurash, wrestling in a prone position is prohibited. You can only fight in a standing position and only throws and sweeps are allowed. The use of any striking, painful, choking techniques, as well as grips below the belt is strictly prohibited. All this makes kurash a simple, understandable, spectacular, dynamic and safe sport. In this sport, nine sets of medals will be competed in at least five weight categories at the 8th Games.

Swimming has been included in the program since the 5th Children of Asia Games in 2012. At the 8th Games, 34 sets of medals will be competed for in freestyle swimming (50, 100, 200, 400, 1500 m (for boys) and 800 m (for girls)), backstroke (100, 200 m), breaststroke (100, 200 m). m), butterfly (100, 200 m), medley swimming 200 and 400 m (50 or 100 m respectively: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle), 4x100 m and 4x200 m freestyle relay, 4x100 m medley relay ( backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and freestyle) and the 4x100m mixed medley relay.

Sambo has been held since the 5th Children of Asia Games since 2012. Russian (Soviet) type of combat sports, as well as a comprehensive system of self-defense. Sports sambo is a type of wrestling in which the main thing is effective defense. In sambo, you can win an early victory thanks to a painful hold or an effective throw. In sambo it is allowed to use throws, holds and painful techniques on the arms and legs. Throws can be carried out using the arms, legs and torso. In this event, 12 sets of medals will be played in at least six weight categories among both boys and girls.

To recall, the 8th Games Program includes 24 sports, 17 are compulsory according to the approved Concept of the Games.

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