8th Children of Asia International Sports Games Directorate; Office 17, 38 Kalandarishvili St., Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation, 677008

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Ust-Yana District Met 8th Children of Asia Games Torch Relay

Ust-Yana District Met 8th Children of Asia Games Torch Relay

8th Children of Asia Games Flame arrived in Ust-Yana district, Deputatsky. Deputatsky central square brought together residents to meet the Flame guardians despite the wind and cold.

The fire was carried through the streets of Deputatsky by the best athletes and activists of the physical education movement of the Ust-Yana district, among them were Honored Coach of Yakutia, director of Ust-Yana Children and Youth Sports School Dmitry Soldatov, his students - multiple prize-winners and winners in kickboxing competitions Vasily Golikov, Ayaal Nasyev, Stepan Mulik. At the finish line, the relay was end by Andrey Vasilyev, head of the Committee for Physical Culture, Sports and Social Policy of Ust-Yana district, High Achiever of physical culture and sports of the Republic.

Ust-Yana district will handover the Torch Relay to the Allaikhovsky district.

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