8th Children of Asia International Sports Games Directorate; Office 17, 38 Kalandarishvili St., Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation, 677008

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8th Children of Asia Games Cultural Program to Start on June 1 in Yakutia

8th Children of Asia Games Cultural Program to Start on June 1 in Yakutia

More than 50 cultural events dedicated to the 8th Children of Asia Games to be held from June 1 to July 6 in Yakutsk. The Minister of Culture of the Sakha Republic Yakutia) Afanasy Noev announced this at a briefing.

“Today, the Cultural program of the 8th Children of Asia Games has been approved by the Organizing committee. More than 3,000 people will take part in the cultural program from across 22 districts of the republic. The cultural program will begin on June 1 with the opening of the exhibition “From the Idea to the History of Children of Asia Games” in Russia - My History historical park. The exhibition will show the history of the origins of Children of Asia Games on the initiative of the First President of the Republic, Mikhail Nikolaev. You will be able to learn about the heroes of the Games. The exhibition will be held throughout the summer,” said Afanasy Noev.

Moreover, the National Art Museum of the Republic, together with the State Russian Museum of St. Petersburg, has prepared an exhibition “Aivazovsky and the Great Russian Marine Painters” to open on June 1.

The squares of Yakutsk will become venues for cultural events. Komsomolskaya Square will host medal award ceremonies, concerts and performances for paricipants and guests. Ordzhonikidze Square will be a platform for children's performances, exhibition of folk craftsmen, Book Wind International exhibition, and Yakutsk Welcomes Guests program. Concerts will also be held on Friendship Square in front of the Opera and Ballet Theater.

Opening ceremony of the 8th Children of Asia Games will take place on June 26 at Tuymaada Stadium. The Chief artistic director of the Opening ceremony, Andrei Borisov, and the creative team are preparing an exciting performance. A three-hour program will include Athletes parade, vocal and choreographic performances, as well as performances by famous artists.

The 8th Children of Asia International Sports Games will be held in Yakutsk from June 25 to July 7.

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