8th Children of Asia International Sports Games Directorate; Office 17, 38 Kalandarishvili St., Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation, 677008

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Housing and Communal Services Facilities To Be Prepared for Children of Asia Games In Yakutia

Housing and Communal Services Facilities To Be Prepared for Children of Asia Games In Yakutia

Sports venues will be provided with backup power sources. In the event of a technological disruption, energy supply will be provided from mobile backup power supplies to successful conduct of the 8th Children of Asia Games. 

“The Public Utilities Commission of the 8th Children of Asia Games works on an ongoing basis. Last year, together with resource supply organizations, as well as the owners of the facilities to be involved in the Games, insection visits were carried out and reports were drawn up. Currently, resource supply organizations are carrying out work to verify the implementation of these measures. Starting today, the commission will work directly at the facilities. The main emphasis is on the reliability of electricity supply, water supply, and sanitation facilities,” noted Vyacheslav Emelyanov, Minister of Housing, Communal Services and Energy of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia).

According to the minister, during the Games, all planned restrictions will be suspended by resource supply organizations.

“The Energy Security Headquarters will make a decision to introduce a technological silence regime. This means that, with the exception of emergencies and technological violations, all planned work related to repairs will be suspended,” the minister said.

To recall, the 8th Children of Asia Games will be held from June 25 to July 7. Young athletes will compete in 24 sports. About 70 facilities will be involved in the Games.

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