8th Children of Asia International Sports Games Directorate; Office 17, 38 Kalandarishvili St., Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation, 677008

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Security measures strengthened in Yakutsk during the 8th Children of Asia Games

Security measures strengthened in Yakutsk during the 8th Children of Asia Games

Yakutsk's law enforcement agencies have started an enhanced mode of operation. during the 8th Children of Asia Games. The law enforcement agencies will ensure public order and security of citizens and athletes. Mikhail Sivtsev, Head of the Children of Asia Games Directorate, announced this.
"During the Children of Asia Games, law enforcement agencies have been switched to an enhanced mode of operation. All law enforcement agencies are involved to ensure public order and safety not only for athletes, but also for citizens in general. For example, Russian national guard officers will be on duty every day at sports venues and territories of the Children of Asia Games, and the routes of patrol crews of the extra-departmental security service have been revised and are as close as possible to the sites and venues of mass events", Mikhail Sivtsev said.

In order to ensure fire safety, the Regional General Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations carried out a set of preventive measures. To protect the facilities and water objects involved in the Games, the resources of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, regional firefighting service, search and rescue unit, Rescue Service and State Inspectorate for Small-Sized Vessels of the Main Directorate are used. Also in Yakutsk, a 24-hour guard duty of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations employees has been organized.

The staff of the State Fire Supervision Service carried out training to ensure safety at all Games venues. Responsible persons were instructed on evacuation procedures in case of emergency or fire, firefighting training and briefings were conducted.
The private security companies that ensure law and order also received additional briefings on how to act in case of any complications and emergencies.

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