8th Children of Asia International Sports Games Directorate; Office 17, 38 Kalandarishvili St., Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation, 677008

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EEF-2023: Children of Asia International Sports Games Presented in Vladivostok

EEF-2023: Children of Asia International Sports Games Presented in Vladivostok

The presentation of the project will serve as a support for attracting new investors and the potential expansion of the list of participating countries.

On the sidelines of the VIII Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, the 8th Children of Asia International Sports Games were presented. The presentation of this extensive project will serve as support for attracting new investors and the potential expansion of the list of participating countries. Vladimir Maximov, President of the Children of Asia International Committee shared this information with YSIA.

"It is no secret that Children of Asia Games is one of the Republic's main socially-oriented brands, which has been interacting with Asian countries for over 27 years. Therefore, the presentation of such a project at the EEF is essential to demonstrate the Republic's progress and established cooperation with Asian countries, not only in business and investments but, most importantly, in humanitarian and educational relations," emphasized Vladimir Maximov.

According to President of the Committee, the forum's platform expands the opportunities for attracting countries to participate in the upcoming Games.

"We present not only the Games but also showcase the unique sports culture of Yakutia, particularly our national sports that have no analogs in the world. This demonstrates that the Sakha people have a long history of involvement in sports. Furthermore, this is how we can attract potential investors and find future project supporters," noted Vladimir Maximov.

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