8th Children of Asia International Sports Games Directorate; Office 17, 38 Kalandarishvili St., Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation, 677008

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All Volunteer Candidates Provided with the Link to Interview

All Volunteer Candidates Provided with the Link to Interview

As of March 14, 2024, all volunteer candidates for the 8th Children of Asia Games were re-sent links to testing.

Please check your email specified in the application form. If you do not find the email in your INBOX folder, check your SPAM and PROMOTION folders, as well as the correct spelling of your email.

For all questions, please contact vol@yakutsk2024.org or telegram chat@volunteers_coa.

Testing of volunteers takes place in several blocks, taking into account the competencies and personal qualities of the candidate. Further, based on the results of the interview, the selected candidates will undergo functional training in all areas, including lectures on Children of Asia Games, cultural features of the participating countries, team building training and instruction.

To recall, the 8th Children of Asia Games will involve more than 1,900 volunteers in 19 functional areas.

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